Monday, January 25, 2021

What is Metastatis?


Cancer normally starts in one organ and then begin to spread to other organs too. This spread of cancer is termed as Metastasis. Very rarely, cancer can happen simultaneously in more than one organ and they may not be interconnected. During metastasis, the cancer cells from the original organ where cancerous growth occurs breaks away and travels through the blood stream or the lymph system to get attached to other organs. They form new tumor cells in other organs and begins to spread.

During metastasis it can be observed that a cancer cell originally happened in a stomach, called stomach cancer, when it spreads to the liver or bone, they will continue to have the same stomach cancer-type cancer cells only. The cancer in the liver or bone in such cases will not be called liver or bone cancer but it will be called as metastatic stomach cancer. It is always better that cancer is treated in its early stages and avoid metastatic growth by taking timely treatments as prescribed by the cancer specialists.

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