Thursday, January 7, 2021

Can you have cancer in your belly button?


The belly button is generally not a primary cancer site. Cancer might originate in the stomach, ovary, pancreas, colon, etc. There were instances where people thought a bulge in the navel or the belly button was an umbilical hernia and that turned out to be cancer in very rare cases of diagnosis. It should be said that a nodule inside the belly button which can be easily overlooked can be signs of cancer present inside the abdomen. The problem is this is a rare manifestation.

Generally, the umbilicus is known for hernia, infections, and other rare diseases like granuloma which can bleed. For people who are obese, the navel can be a place where tiny dirt can accumulate and can be a hygiene concern. For babies, any fluid discharge through navel is pretty common. However, if nodules (metastatic nodule) might grow as a lesion and may ulcerate to exude fluid like pus or blood in due course it could be a sign of internal cancer. But this is extremely rare. Umbilical hernia however does not manifests such symptoms. They can only lead to strangulation of the intestinal tissues inside the trapped hernial area causing associated symptoms. So if an adult patient has fluids exuding through the navel area, it is needs to be evaluated to rule out any possibilities.

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