Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why Hernia recurrence is more common among smokers?

Hernia Recurrence is associated with a number of risk factors. Several studies have pointed out that smoking is one of the risk factors for hernia recurrence. Some of the other risk factors include obesity, chronic cough, lifting heavy weights, application of strain during urination, severe constipation, etc.

Smoking is associated with recurrence of hernia because of three reasons. Smokers usually get a dry cough which can cause pressure to the repaired hernia thereby causing recurrence. The second most common reason is the delay in wound healing for smokers after they have undergone surgery. The other reason is the incidence of Upper Aero-Digestive Tract infection (lung infection, laryngitis) among smokers is high and this can also cause recurrence of the hernia. So it is also recommended to quit smoking once you have been operated for a hernia.

If you have Inguinal Hernia, Dr Maran is the best Surgeon to get your Hernia Surgery in Chennai.

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