Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why there are so many different types of Hernia meshes?

A Hernia is a condition where a defect is formed due to weakened tissues, through which organ tissues can slip and go out of place. The treatment for a hernia is mesh repair. Mesh repair treatment is used to treat almost all the different variants of a hernia. The success of a hernia repair depends upon the surgeon's experience, type of mesh and quality of the mesh. Different herniae require different meshes of different size and different specifications. Another factor to consider is graft-rejection. Graft-rejection occurs when the newly placed mesh tissue is rejected by the recipient's immune system. The mesh once kept inside should not hinder the surrounding tissue or the function of the surrounding organs. To avoid all such complications different mesh types are used. A simple mesh is used mostly in young patients with good muscle tone. On the other hand, a complex or advanced mesh is used for old people who have undergone previous surgeries and have weak and flabby muscles.

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