Monday, April 15, 2019

Does the Hernia mesh dissolve into the body?

A hernia is a condition where the abdominal tissue moves from its original residing position and into a different place. The four different types of hernia include Inguinal Hernia, Hiatus Hernia, Umbilical Hernia, and Incisional Hernia. Inguinal Hernia is the most common types of hernia. Treatment for hernia is suggested based on the severity of the condition. If the hernia is severe and the person experiences severe symptoms, surgery is the only option. If the person is asymptomatic then, a 'wait and watch' approach is taken.

Surgical Hernia treatment involves placing the displaced tissue back into its original position and placing a surgical mesh to provide support and re-enforce it.

Hernia meshes or surgical meshes are a sheet that is used as a support medium to support the weakened or damaged tissue. Surgical meshes are made from either synthetic materials or animal-derived tissues (bio-degradable). Synthetic meshes are available in absorbable and non-absorbable forms whereas animal-derived tissue meshes are made of animal skin or intestine tissue that is cleaned, disinfected and made ready for use.

The Synthetic non-absorbable mesh is a permanent implant that remains in the body forever without degrading. This mesh is used in almost all Hernia repair surgeries. Absorbable meshes, on the other hand, degrade over time and hence are not used for any long term reinforcement. 

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