Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Does lifting heavy weights cause Inguinal Hernia?

When a part of the intestine or other abdominal tissues protrudes through the weakness near the groin area it is referred to as an inguinal hernia. The hernia breach is exactly at the right or left inguinal canal. Sometimes there is a hernia on both the side of the abdomen.
An inguinal hernia is the most common hernia of all the hernia types present. It is estimated that it is 70% of all the hernia types. In that 70%, almost all of an inguinal hernia happens in men. 
There is a common misconception among people that weight lifting and lifting heavy objects can cause Inguinal Hernia. A hernia is the presence of a hole in your abdominal walls. When you perform strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects, more pressure is applied to the abdominal wall and abdominal tissues tend to protrude out. Hence heavy lifting does not cause Hernia, but it can aggravate the situation. 

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Monday, April 22, 2019

What are the contents of Inguinal Hernia?

When a part of the intestine or other abdominal tissues protrudes through the weakness near the groin area it is referred to as an Inguinal hernia. The hernia breach is exactly at the right or left inguinal canal. Sometimes there is a hernia on both the side of the abdomen. An inguinal hernia is the most common hernia of all the hernia types present. It is estimated that it is 70% of all the hernia types occurs in men. The tissues that are trapped in the Inguinal canal are known as contents of Inguinal Hernia. 
Contents of Inguinal Hernia:
The different contents of Inguinal Hernia depend upon the part that descends into the inguinal sac. Most commonly in an Inguinal Hernia, it is the small intestine that descends into the hernia sac in the groin. Sometimes contents from the abdominal area can also descend into the hernial sac. The contents that descend from the abdominal area includes an appendix, Meckel's diverticulum, urinary bladder and even the large intestine (colon). 
Inguinal Hernia in women is not a common phenomenon. The contents of Inguinal hernia in women include ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus. The only treatment for Inguinal hernia is a surgical correction. 

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Does Hernia reoccur?

An inguinal hernia is a condition where the intestine or abdominal tissue protrudes into the inguinal canal which is present near the groin area. While smaller herniae do not require treatment larger ones are treated surgically. But can hernia's reoccur? Hernia's do not usually reoccur. Some of the symptoms of a recurrent hernia include infection, constipation, nausea, vomiting. 

Causes for a recurrent Hernia:
  1. Infection from the first hernia surgery 
  2. Chronic use of steroids
  3. Smoking
  4. Being too active too fast.
  5. Obesity 
Surgical treatment is usually the option for recurrent hernia. 

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why there are so many different types of Hernia meshes?

A Hernia is a condition where a defect is formed due to weakened tissues, through which organ tissues can slip and go out of place. The treatment for a hernia is mesh repair. Mesh repair treatment is used to treat almost all the different variants of a hernia. The success of a hernia repair depends upon the surgeon's experience, type of mesh and quality of the mesh. Different herniae require different meshes of different size and different specifications. Another factor to consider is graft-rejection. Graft-rejection occurs when the newly placed mesh tissue is rejected by the recipient's immune system. The mesh once kept inside should not hinder the surrounding tissue or the function of the surrounding organs. To avoid all such complications different mesh types are used. A simple mesh is used mostly in young patients with good muscle tone. On the other hand, a complex or advanced mesh is used for old people who have undergone previous surgeries and have weak and flabby muscles.

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Monday, April 15, 2019

Does the Hernia mesh dissolve into the body?

A hernia is a condition where the abdominal tissue moves from its original residing position and into a different place. The four different types of hernia include Inguinal Hernia, Hiatus Hernia, Umbilical Hernia, and Incisional Hernia. Inguinal Hernia is the most common types of hernia. Treatment for hernia is suggested based on the severity of the condition. If the hernia is severe and the person experiences severe symptoms, surgery is the only option. If the person is asymptomatic then, a 'wait and watch' approach is taken.

Surgical Hernia treatment involves placing the displaced tissue back into its original position and placing a surgical mesh to provide support and re-enforce it.

Hernia meshes or surgical meshes are a sheet that is used as a support medium to support the weakened or damaged tissue. Surgical meshes are made from either synthetic materials or animal-derived tissues (bio-degradable). Synthetic meshes are available in absorbable and non-absorbable forms whereas animal-derived tissue meshes are made of animal skin or intestine tissue that is cleaned, disinfected and made ready for use.

The Synthetic non-absorbable mesh is a permanent implant that remains in the body forever without degrading. This mesh is used in almost all Hernia repair surgeries. Absorbable meshes, on the other hand, degrade over time and hence are not used for any long term reinforcement. 

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Diagnosing Anemia - In Tamil

  இரத்த சோகை குறித்த எங்கள் முந்தைய வலைப்பதிவில், இரும்புச்சத்து குறைபாடு இரத்த சோகைக்கு எவ்வாறு காரணமாகிறது என்பதைக் கண்டோம். அதில் இரும்பு...