Thursday, April 16, 2020

Is walking good for Inguinal Hernia?

An Inguinal Hernia occurs when a portion of your organ like intestine, fat tissues, etc protrude through the unclosed opening of the inguinal canal. Although inguinal hernia is not life-threatening, it requires that it be surgically fixed. Most people fear that exercises like walking or types of physical activities aggravate the hernia. While certain exercises do aggravate hernias, it does not imply that you can ignore physical activities and live a sedentary life. 

Doing regular exercises can certainly help you to cope with your hernia. This is true especially if you are obese. While strenuous exercises like weight lifting should be avoided, simple exercises like walking can definitely be beneficial. Walking can particularly be helpful for obese people who have an inguinal hernia. But if while walking your hernia causes pain, then you need to be careful and exercise caution. Your hernia surgeon, anyways, is the best person to recommend you walking or other forms of light exercises.  Because the surgeon knows better the gravity of your hernia and hence would know better if walking can or cannot aggravate your hernia present. So go with the advice of your hernia surgeon.

Fix an appointment with us by calling us at (91) 9952002927 with Dr Maran who does Hernia repair Surgery in Chennai regularly. Visit Springfield Wellness Centre for the Hernia surgery in Chennai

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Friday, April 10, 2020

Influence of Obesity on Hernia - Both Before and After Hernia Surgery

Our abdomen houses many of our internal organs which are protected by a tough outer wall of tissue known as the abdominal wall. When this abdominal wall gets weakened or when it has a defect, fat tissue or organs like intestines can bulge out from its place through this defective wall. Some of the most common causes of hernias are defective inguinal canal (a common birth defect), the scar from previous abdominal surgery, and injuries caused due to any trauma. Can obesity influence hernia before and after the surgery?

Fix an appointment with us by calling us at (91) 9952002927 with Dr Maran who does Hernia repair surgery in Chennai regularly. 

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#Hernia #Obesity #DrMaran #SpringfieldWellnessCentre

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Why children are not given mesh in hernia surgery?

In a hernia surgery generally, we are aware that a Hernia mesh is placed to repair the hernia. But did you know that children are not given Hernia mesh but the hernia is repaired by giving sutures (herniotomy) to the hernia? So why are children not given mesh in hernia surgery?

Fix an appointment with us by calling us at (91) 9952002927 with Dr Maran who does Hernia repair Surgery in Chennai regularly. Visit Springfield Wellness Centre for the Hernia surgery in Chennai

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Why children are not given mesh in hernia surgery? - Tamil

குடலிறக்க அறுவை சிகிச்சையில் பொதுவாக குடலிறக்கத்தை சரிசெய்ய ஒரு ஹெர்னியா மெஷ் வைக்கப்படுவதை நாம் அறிவோம். ஆனால் குழந்தைகளுக்கு செய்யப்படும் குடலிறக்க அறுவை சிகிச்சையில் ஹெர்னியா மெஷ் வைக்கப்படுவதில்லை என்பது உங்களுக்குத் தெரியுமா? ஹெர்னியாவை தையல் கொண்டே குழந்தைகளின் குடலிறக்கம் ஏன் சரிசெய்யப்படுகிறது? இதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன தெரியுமா?

Fix an appointment with us by calling us at (91) 9952002927 with Dr Maran who does Hernia repair Surgery in Chennai regularly. Visit Springfield Wellness Centre for the Hernia surgery in Chennai

For More Information about Gastro surgery in Chennai visit us at
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Diagnosing Anemia - In Tamil

  இரத்த சோகை குறித்த எங்கள் முந்தைய வலைப்பதிவில், இரும்புச்சத்து குறைபாடு இரத்த சோகைக்கு எவ்வாறு காரணமாகிறது என்பதைக் கண்டோம். அதில் இரும்பு...