Monday, March 11, 2019

Do all Hernia need surgical repair?

Inguinal Hernia is the protrusion of the intestine or abdominal tissues through the weakened tissue near the groin area. The hernia breach can occur either on the right or left inguinal canal. Sometimes the breach can occur on both sides of the abdomen

Do all Hernia need surgical repair?
Hernia once occurred cannot heal on its own. Hernia definitely needs surgical correction. The location and severity of the Hernia differ from person to person. Sometimes some patients require immediate surgical correction while others can delay the surgery by days, months and even years. Some people might never need surgery if the hernia is small and the symptoms are negligible. For people with small hernia who experience zero to minimal symptoms are usually asked to wait and watch for symptoms to occur. The decision to postpone the Hernia repair surgery can and should be advised by a Doctor.

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