Saturday, February 16, 2019

What are the effects of Obesity on Hernia?

Obesity has always been hard on people. The increased fat accumulation of the body apart from causing co-morbid conditions like diabetes, blood pressure, etc., can also lead to many medical conditions at times one such issue can be Hernia. Obesity can also worsen an already existing Hernia.

Increased Obesity can cause Hernia:
More strain and pressure is applied to the abdominal muscles while being obese which can make the abdominal wall weaker. The fat present on the internal organs of a person is also very high in an obese person. This additionally contributes more pressure to the abdominal muscle wall. As the abdominal muscle wall gets weaker, it increases the risk of Hernia at one or more sites.

Effect of Obesity on pre-existing Hernia:
Sometimes Hernia may be already present in obese people. Due to their obesity, the presence of a Hernia can go undetected. In most conditions, the existing Hernia becomes acute and it signals our body that the intestine is trapped in the hernia layer. This entrapment of the intestine in the hernial layer can lead to the death of that particular region of the intestine and can cause gangrene. The patient will suffer from severe pain and should be hospitalized and surgically treated immediately.

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