Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Different types of Hernia

Different types of Hernia:

An Inguinal Hernia – This is the most common type of Hernia . It occurs mostly in Men. Just before birth, a male child’s testicles normally descend from the abdomen through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. Within 3-6 months, this inguinal canal closes naturally. However, for known and unknown reasons, this remains open or opens later in life causing Inguinal Hernia.
A Femoral Hernia – Femoral Hernia is more common in women. However, it can occur in men too very rarely. The lower groin area is weakened in this type of Hernia. This weakness can induce the intestine sac to protrude into the femoral canal. 
An Umbilical Hernia – This Hernia occurs near the bellybutton area. The naval or the umbilicus is the weakest spot in the abdominal wall. So naturally, it occurs in infants because of the umbilical cord. In adult women, a normal pregnancy can lead to umbilical Hernia. Generally, any obese individuals, are prone to Umbilical Hernia
An Epigastric Hernia – This Hernia due to a weak spot below the chest bone in the midline. This type of Hernia is more common in men than women and the factor that typically causes this Hernia is obesity or pregnancy.
A Hiatal Hernia – This Hernia is  caused due to the weakness of the diaphragm, a muscle layer that separates the chest cavity and abdominal cavity. Through this Hernia, the upper part of the stomach called fundus slides into the chest cavity bringing food and acid. This presents as an acid reflex. This acid reflex from Stomach to Esophagus can result in immense pain in the chest and not in the abdomen mimicking cardiac problems.
An Incisional Hernia – When Hernia appears in a site where surgery was done prior, it is termed as Incisional Hernia. This Hernia can happen in weeks or months or years after surgery. This is the most common abdominal wall Hernia in women generally after hysterectomy or cesarean. 

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Saturday, February 16, 2019

What are the effects of Obesity on Hernia?

Obesity has always been hard on people. The increased fat accumulation of the body apart from causing co-morbid conditions like diabetes, blood pressure, etc., can also lead to many medical conditions at times one such issue can be Hernia. Obesity can also worsen an already existing Hernia.

Increased Obesity can cause Hernia:
More strain and pressure is applied to the abdominal muscles while being obese which can make the abdominal wall weaker. The fat present on the internal organs of a person is also very high in an obese person. This additionally contributes more pressure to the abdominal muscle wall. As the abdominal muscle wall gets weaker, it increases the risk of Hernia at one or more sites.

Effect of Obesity on pre-existing Hernia:
Sometimes Hernia may be already present in obese people. Due to their obesity, the presence of a Hernia can go undetected. In most conditions, the existing Hernia becomes acute and it signals our body that the intestine is trapped in the hernia layer. This entrapment of the intestine in the hernial layer can lead to the death of that particular region of the intestine and can cause gangrene. The patient will suffer from severe pain and should be hospitalized and surgically treated immediately.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Can Yoga cure Hernia?

Many websites on the Internet proclaim that Yoga can cure Hernia. But if you carefully watch those websites, they are mostly websites that promote Yoga. You can hardly find neutral websites that post the success of Yoga in curing Hernia. Does that mean Yoga is ineffective in curing Hernia? In other words, Can Yoga cure hernia?
We clearly aren't undervaluing the benefits of Yoga, but yoga can negatively affect Hernia.There are many vital organs present in the abdomen. All the organs are confined, packed and protected by the muscles in the abdomen. Hernia occurs when the muscles that keep these organs confined and protected becomes weak and causes the displacement of the internal organs. Yoga cannot put back the displaced organ and requires a hernia repair surgery.  

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Friday, February 8, 2019

Does Inguinal Hernia surgery affect male fertility?

Since Inguinal Hernia occurs close to the testicles, there is a perception that Inguinal hernia surgery affects male fertility. Here are two things to look at. Does the inguinal hernia surgery cause a problem in sexual dysfunction? In other words, does the inguinal hernia surgery cause problems in sex? Even if there was no problem in sexual dysfunction, does an inguinal hernia surgery cause male infertility?

Can Hernia cause sexual dysfunction in men?
Inguinal Hernia is a condition where a part of the intestinal tissues descends down into the inguinal canal. Actually speaking Inguinal Hernia does not cause sexual dysfunction in men. Sexual dysfunction refers to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the male penis cannot sustain an erection. However if an Inguinal hernia is left unattended for many years, the scrotum bulges gradually and buries the penis. Due to this burial of the penis, its sexual function is affected which may cause erectile dysfunction.

Can Hernia cause low sperm count in males?
Having an Inguinal hernia that recently occurred does not cause low sperm count. An unattended Inguinal Hernia can, however, alter the temperature of the testicles. The testicles require the low temperature to produce optimal sperms. If the temperature increases, the sperm count can also decrease. This low sperm count occurs only due to the long term effects and due to the ignorance of the patient. Prompt consultation with a surgeon and subsequent surgery can address this issue.

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Diagnosing Anemia - In Tamil

  இரத்த சோகை குறித்த எங்கள் முந்தைய வலைப்பதிவில், இரும்புச்சத்து குறைபாடு இரத்த சோகைக்கு எவ்வாறு காரணமாகிறது என்பதைக் கண்டோம். அதில் இரும்பு...